Criteria For Membership
All employees of Ligonier Valley School District automatically qualify for membership
Children and grandchildren of qualifying members are also eligible to establish their own accounts
Becoming a Member
Request a membership application from a board member listed below
Submit application with a photocopy of your driver’s license
In compliance with the USA Patriot Act, all member applicants will be subject an identify verification, including a search of OFAC (Office of Foreign Assets Control) records
Click here to read the board letter to potential and current account holders regarding the Patriot Act
A $10 incentive will be deposited in your account upon opening
Maintaining Membership
Members must maintain a minimum of $5 in their regular shares to keep their account active
Members of FLFCU are members for life, regardless of their continued affiliation with LVSD; “once a member, always a member”
Membership Contacts
Sheri Zambanini, Ligonier Valley Middle School,
Robin Simpson, Ligonier Valley High School,
Suzette Burns, Retired,
Romayne Schwartzel, Retired,
Gretchen Weiers, Ligonier Valley High School,